Saturday, May 13, 2006

State Tartan Explanation

I imagine my discerning readers are interested in the significance of the state tartan of Nevada. Why the colors? the placement? the gold and faded white? the blue with red stripes! I actually found it was a very complex design rift with hidden meaning and depth.

TELL ME, Richard Zygmunt Pawlowski!

"The colors and design of the tartan represent the following features that make Nevada a unique and bountiful state: Blue represents one of the state colors of Nevada, the pristine waters of Lake Tahoe and the mountain bluebird, the official state bird; Silver represents the other state color, the official state mineral, the granite composition of the Sierra Nevada mountain range and the silver country of northern Nevada; Red represents the Virgin Valley black fire opal, the official state precious gemstone, and the red rock formations of southern Nevada; Yellow represents sagebrush, the official state flower, and symbolizes the great basin region of central Nevada; White represents the name of this state meaning snow-covered, which is the translation of the Spanish word. The crossing of the yellow and red stripes represents the different colors of Nevada sandstone, the official state rock; The white intersection on the silver field stands for the snow-capped peaks of granite mountains, which make up the Sierra Nevada mountain range; The four blue lines represent the four main rivers of Nevada which are the Colorado River, Truckee River, Humboldt River and Walker River; The intersecting blue lines in the silver field represent the Colorado River as it meets Hoover Dam and creates Lake Mead; The small solid boxes of silver and blue number 8 by 8, or 64, to signify the year (1864) that Nevada was admitted into statehood; The 13 solid-colored intersections of the small stripes represent Boundary Peak, the highest point in Nevada, which stands at an elevation of 13,143 feet; The 16 solid silver intersections and the solid white intersection in the center of the tartan represent the 16 counties and the one consolidated city-county government of Nevada. The official state tartan can only be reproduced in the colors, pattern and dimension of pattern as described above." (

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