Wednesday, May 03, 2006

the beauty of internet disposal

As I was staring at the photos of a long gone undersecretary of agriculture and his meeting with the 1972 Watermelon Queen, I realized I was stuck in a writing rut. Then I looked at an old copy of Rural Electrification magazine and its slogan: "one cent electricity for every farm in America", hanging above my pod space.

Then I skimmed photos of his meeting with the Japanese embassies, his trip to Wheeler Creek, and pinning his secretary's (get it? secretary's secretary!) for her service of 10 years, I continued to mull the name, one cent electricity. I needed a new blog for a new phase of my life. So I threw away "Modern Awe" into the Internet wasteland where it will only reappear when I run for President.

that's the beauty of the internet. don't let them fancy high fallutin' colors trick you or hit your butt on your way out.

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